Min jixtieq jagħti donazzjoni minn issa jista’ jagħmel dan billi jċempel f’dawn in-numri tat-telefown ta’ hawn taħt:

5180 2009 għal donazzjoni ta’ €25

5190 2080 għal donazzjoni ta’ €50

jew ukoll tistgħu tagħtu donazzjoni bil-BOV MOBILE APP fuq in-numru 7920 2035

jew tibagħtu SMS li jiswa’ €11.65 fuq in-numru 5061 9285.

Wiehed jista’ jagħmel Pledge ta’ €300 jew aktar jekk iċempel waqt il-maratona Oħloq Tbissima permezz ta' dan in-numru 21445544

Min jixtieq jista’ jagħmel donazzjoni permezz ta din il paġna: OHLOQTBISSIMA.COM

JEW jibgħat ċekk ta’ kemm jixtieq jagħti, lil CAM – Oħloq Tbissima - Dar ta’ San Ġużepp, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Santa Venera, SVR 1010.

Tistgħu tiġu FID-DAR TA' SAN ĠUŻEPP, SANTA VENERA u tagħtu d-donazzjoni tagħkom kuljum mid- 9.30am sa nofs in nhar u mill-17:00 sal-22:30.

Id-donazzjoni tagħkom tista’ tagħmel id-differenza f’kull ħajja tal-fqar.


This is a relatively new MSSP mission that is performing work in parishes and university. The MSSP priests take pastoral care of the parisioners as well as the students of the university by giving them grants and even funding their studies. They run a youth center and teach basic skills.


The first MSSP mission in Peru started in Aplao. Here the missionaries still take care of a parish. This is a very big parish and it is very difficult for the missionaries to reach the whole zone frequently. This is mostly an agricultural community.


MSSP priests take care of a parish which lies in the perifery, where a big number of parishioners work in factories or fields. The MSSP missionaries run a girls school here, in a culture where girls and boys are treated differently.

St. Joseph Home

This home is run by the Missionary Society of St. Paul (MSSP). Its Director, Fr. Frankie Cini, together with a number of professional and dedicated staff run the house, which is home to a number of boys, who for various reasons are unable to live with their natural family.